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Photos from 2013

The Box - April

Anna Evans, Kayvon Zand, myself and the incredibly edible Dylan Monroe

The Box - Feb

Mystery blonde

The Box - Feb

Retro Stinga!


Monday night lingerie party because fuck you. That's why.


Photo by Strange Photography


Photo by Strange Photography

Anna Bell

With Anna Bell, seeing Manson at the Cleveland House of Blues


Mario, Twiggy's DJ set, Factory at Necto in Ann Arbor

Melice Grotesque

Melice, because German girls are good to have, and sometimes they have mints.

Melice Grotesque

Melice and Manzin at Manson. It is what we do.


Not entirely sure who this is but we were at Necto in Ann Arbor for Twiggy's DJ set in January.

Necto - Laney

Laneeeeyyy! More somewhat drunken shenanigans in Ann Arbor.

Better Every Day

Valentine's Day 2013 with Johnny B, the fixer of everything. Even me.

Classy Ass Fuck

Photo by Blackchurch. Snazzy tee by Alexandra Fische

Classy Ass Fuck

Photo by Blackchurch. Snazzy tee by Alexandra Fische

Wrapped In Plastic

Late night art projects at OmniCorp, Detroit.

City Club

Popping my Detroit goth cherry back in June

Cleveland OH

Me with Gina, Meghan, Hazekiah and Lillith

Cleveland OH

Ana Bell, outdoors this time around

Buffalo NY

Gina, Lillith and I with the hot boy from Picture Me Broken

Buffalo NY

With Insomniacballet and some of her friends

Buffalo NY

Pressing the flesh.

Mt Pleasant, MI

With Madeleine Rose

Mt Pleasant, MI

With Madeleine Rose

Bible Beaten

With Madeleine Rose

Indianapolis, IN

With Aurora

Indianapolis, IN

With April

Indianapolis, IN

With Devan

Indianapolis, IN

With Madison

Indianapolis, IN

With Chrystal, Ana and Anne

Sweet Dreams!

The perfect time to find a lighter by stepping on it is right before Sweet Dreams starts. I miss seeing a sea of fire instead of a sea of phones. Photo ganked from Meghan's Instagram (meghanwright91)

Indianapolis, IN

Nope, nothing to see here.

Indianapolis, IN

About to sample a Scooby Snack with Ana at the Wild Beaver Saloon. Not at all sure if I will like it at this point (it was pretty much amazing).

Indianapolis, IN

I's tired. I sleep now. Photo by Chrystal (darkchrystal.com).

Indianapolis, IN

Breakfast with the girls. Photo by Chrystal (darkchrystal.com)

Indianapolis, IN

This building is mirrored. Group photo opportunity, obviously. Photo by Chrystal (darkchrystal.com)

Ft Wayne, IN

Chatting up cops, medium format photos, digging for makeup. You know, typical parking lot behavior. Photo by Chrystal (darkchrystal.com)

Ft Wayne, IN

Serial piller. Photo by Chrystal (darkchrystal.com) Bow tie by Cyberoptix (cyberoptix.com)

Ft Wayne, IN

With Haz and Meghan

Ft Wayne, IN

After many hours wearing a 3-piece suit in a sauna, I have taken up residence on the venue floor. Photo by Meghan.

My old man.

If he had a bike, I'd be on the back. Also we gots purdy mouths.

Drunks On a Train

Back in NYC, doing what I do when I'm back in NYC.

Dorian Gray

The gorgeous Dylan Monroe. My spirit animal.

Dorian Gray

With Laura and Citizen Chris

Dorian Gray

George and I are en route to Planet Krunk at long last. Photo by Ostin Torre (ostintorre.com)

Dorian Gray

George and I have definitely arrived at Planet Krunk. Photo by Ostin Torre (ostintorre.com)