Photos from 2012

Off to The Box. Best photo layout ever, really need to do more like this. This is what happens when I have time and forethought and what have you.

Cozied up in Detroit with my man and all the love in the world. The best birthday I've ever had.

America Has No Eye For Talent
Juli and I cheering on our friend Rudy, who was called too dark and a Nazi by poor Sharon Osbourne. Boooooooooooo.

Photo by Bethany Shorb for Cyberoptix Tie Lab. This is the Insomnia tie, narrow ivory with black ink (I think).

Photo by Bethany Shorb for Cyberoptix Tie Lab. This is the Chinese Dragon tie, possibly narrow red with black ink but don't quote me on that.

One of these deer-type bastards totaled my car maybe a week before this photo was taken. Bastards.

The Great Manzini
Possibly the only photo of my shortlived blood walls in my bedroom in NYC. *cries* I had such plans for that room.

Valentine's Day 2012
I have nothing against love, but if you give me your heart don't be surprised if something bad happens to it.

No idea where we were or what we were doing but I'm sure we looked good and had a great time because we always do.

Photo by NK for my feature interview in Krashcity Magazine Issue #10. I spent forever sewing balls and syringes to the umbrella and I'm still kicking myself for forgetting to take the shields off the needles.

Photo by NK for my feature interview in Krashcity Magazine Issue #10. Ended up having to throw the umbrella out when I moved. More useless trivia for you.

Monster's Ball
Shot for Auxiliary Magazine Oct/Nov 2012. Me as Sweeney Todd with Odette Despairr, photo by Laura Dark, makeup by Makeup Vamp and B.A.M FX, hair by Gray Artistry

Monster's Ball
Shot for Auxiliary Magazine Oct/Nov 2012. Me as Sweeney Todd with Odette Despairr, photo by Laura Dark, makeup by Makeup Vamp and B.A.M FX, hair by Gray Artistry

MM on Long Island
Hazekiah, Tater, NK, me an' Tater's Mom who probably has a name but will forever remain Tater's Mom.

Oh lawd
With Nick and Hugh W. Words fail me, but this was Manson shenanigans in Pittsburgh at Stage AE.

And then I masturbated, got dressed and made popcorn. The end. Just kidding. I was out of popcorn.

Riot Avenue
Fische and I at Riot Avenue the night she gave her first and only lapdance to me onstage for some sort of contest which we lost to one of the bar employees who got naked. Booo.